Need Ipad Tips? Look No Further
iPad technology is getting better every day. It's amazing to see how quickly new apps are added to the iTunes store, too. This means that staying on top of what's new isn't an easy task. This article has basic information which should get you started towards iPad mastery and more use of your tablet.
Know which apps are running on your iPad. A good number of iPad apps are able to run seemingly in the background at the same time that you are otherwise engaged. In order to view currently running applications, just click your Home button twice. The more you have running, the more battery you'll use, so close those you don't need. When you are finished, swipe down to make the bar disappear.
Fed up with being asked to join different Wi-Fi networks? There is an easy way to fix this issue in the Wi-Fi Settings. Simply turn off the Ask to Join settings. You will still be able to join networks; however, you will need to go to Wi-Fi settings and join from there.
You should adjust your settings to preview more than a few lines of the emails you receive. The Preview setting is Located under Mail in your general settings. Change this setting to show however many lines you want. Now it is possible to preview more content from each message, making skimming quicker.
Many iPad games and apps have a feature that notifies you whenever some action is performed. For example, you may receive a notification from Words With Friends that it is your turn to play, or you might have a Twitter alert that tells you someone has re-tweet something. Disable these notifications unless they are absolutely necessary. These frequent updates can shorten the life of your iPad's battery.
The iPad does not come with a user manual, but sometimes it is useful to have one. If you're trying to figure out how to set a particular feature on your iPad, having the manual handy can help. To get a copy, simply visit the Apple website. There you will find a Pdf version that is easy to download.
Turn on multitasking gestures in your iPad settings. These multitasking gestures give you ways to control your screen with a few flicks. You can switch windows, switch applications, and more. It makes your iPad feel very sci-fi as your touch becomes your only control. If you don't like the gestures, you can always turn them off again in settings.
Get a USB keyboard. When you get a keyboard, you expand your abilities with the iPad. Keyboards are often more comfortable for posting on Facebook, forums and doing other online writing. That allows you to be more efficient. Some keyboards double as a case, so check out the options available.
Try to sync all of your pages with your iTunes and then you can share it with any operating system. It's easy to share your documents and being able to interact with virtually any computer through iTunes cannot be beaten. You can email PDF's and then download them to another computer.
By clicking two times on your iPad's Home button you can quickly view a list of the applications that are currently running. They will appear in a bar located at the bottom of your iPad's screen. If you want to change to a new app, just tap on it once. You can remove this bar by swiping the screen down.
Did you just make a typo? Tap and hold on the misspelled word, choose select and you will have access to a replace function. Tap on replace and a list of suggestions will appear. Select the right spelling and the word will be replaced. If the proper selection does not appear, you will have to use backspace and retype the word.
It is very easy for you to email other people photos while using your iPad. All you have to do is locate the photo you want to send and press the button located in the right-hand corner. There is an option there that will allow you to send the photo to anyone you want.
To view running apps, simply double click the home button. This bar will display all apps that are running, and you will be able to access them using the icon located on the bar. Thus, you can't forget which applications are running and can shut down the ones that are not being used.
Do you need to include a quotation in the text you are typing? You could either access the second screen of your keyboard or save time and use the hidden quotation mark on the first screen. Tap and hold on the interrogation point key and a quotation mark will appear. You can select it by sliding your finger.
The final row of icons on your iPad will be locked no matter what page of icons you are on. This should be used for your most accessed apps. Generally, people like to put social applications, email or musical programs here. Play around with these slots to find what is best for you.
If you are writing a lengthy article or submission, finding the best hotkeys is a necessity. A quick doubletap of the space and you'll find a full stop and space appear in its place. This is a commonly used tool when writing on the iPad and saves a lot of time in the process.
Tired of auto-correct rewriting your every word on iPad? Look for "keyboard" options under general settings and find the auto-correct feature. Simply select the off option and you won't be facing the hassle of having to spell perfectly or risk words and meanings changed, often times not for the better!
Simple, isn't it? A few of these easy tricks in your repertoire and you'll be set. iPad use isn't a complicated thing, but staying on top of the latest developments is. Follow blogs, read articles and talk to others on forums and you'll be able to keep up and enjoy your iPad even more.
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